by d_admin | May 2, 2019 | Chemistry, Janice Willson, Physics, Women in Science
Ursula Franklin was a metallurgist (def: one who studies the chemical and physical behaviour of metallic elements), research physicist, and educator who spent over 40 years teaching at the University of Toronto. She was born in Munich, Germany in 1920; the child of...
by d_admin | Apr 18, 2019 | Chemistry, Geology, Janice Willson, Technology
Are you one of those people who always have to have the latest phone (or tablet, or laptop computer)? Let’s just discuss smartphones for a moment; as of 2018 the number of cell phone users in Canada was over 30 million people, which is 4 out of 5 Canadians. And that...
by d_admin | Apr 4, 2019 | Chemistry, Interesting People, Janice Willson, Physics, Women in Science
Rosalind Franklin may not be a household name to many but she was someone who made huge contributions to the mapping of the molecular structures of DNA, RNA, viruses, coal, and graphite. Many argue that she may have been overlooked for years due to her gender. She was...
by d_admin | Feb 14, 2019 | Biology, Chemistry, Janice Willson
I am not a huge fan of Valentine’s Day but because it falls on the day that I post my blog I thought that I would do one of my The Science of editions. Contrary to the myth that Valentine’s Day is a relatively modern invention of the card, flower, and chocolate...
by d_admin | Nov 8, 2018 | Biology, Chemistry, Innovation, Janice Willson
Global food waste or loss amounts to one-third to one-half of all food processed. This is an appalling amount considering there are people out there without anything to eat. This waste can happen at any point in the food supply chain and differs from low-income...
by d_admin | Oct 4, 2018 | Biology, Chemistry, Janice Willson, Science in the Real World
One of the more popular fads in the world of health and beauty are detoxes and/or cleanses. If you Google detox, 19,500,000 sites come up on this one topic! “6 Easy Ways to Detox…The Real Way to Do a Detox of Cleanse…The Best Detox Diets for Weight Loss…”the list goes...