by d_admin | Oct 18, 2018 | Janice Willson, Science Quirkiness, The Language of Science
Man’s best friend; this is a hard title to live up to. Dogs provide affection and companionship; they can be a person’s eyes and hands; and are an integral member of our families in many of our households. The question arises: how much do they really understand when...
by d_admin | Mar 1, 2018 | Janice Willson, Science in the Real World, Science News, The Language of Science
Last week I wrote about conspiracy theories and the crazy stuff that people believe (link) but this week I am following that up with a guide to trying to figure out if a source is reliable. As I have stated before, the internet is a wondrous and horrible thing all at...
by d_admin | Dec 21, 2017 | Janice Willson, Science in the Real World, The Language of Science
Have I gotten your attention yet? OK, these may not be SO shocking but now that you are here, read through these scientific explanations for different holiday legends and/or traditions. ***SPOILER ALERT*** Santa, the reindeer, and Christmas traditions are all brought...
by d_admin | Nov 9, 2017 | Janice Willson, Never Stop Learning, The Language of Science
Have I grabbed your attention? Unless you already know the meaning of logophile, you may have all sorts running through your mind. Most will know the ‘phile’ part of this word as lover but lover of what? Words. I am a lover of words. Let us look at the word...
by d_admin | Nov 2, 2017 | Judith Lockwood, The Language of Science
October 23rd was mole day….well at least the part from 6.02 am to 6.02 pm. I wonder how many of you let this day go by without even a thought? And you may ask, why should we celebrate an animal that digs holes in your lawn, or the dark spot on skin, or the...
by d_admin | Sep 28, 2017 | Judith Lockwood, The Language of Science
If I had a dollar for everyone who has told me over the years that they were never any good at science in school, I would be sipping mojitos on the porch of my beach front villa instead of writing this blog. Recently, I had coffee with a colleague of mine who always...